Big data, what is it?

Big data analytics is the process of examining data sets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing application software is inadequate. These data sets are known as "big data". Big data can be analyzed using a combination of database technology tools and statistical analysis tools. The database technology provides a mechanism for capturing, storing, managing, manipulating, and retrieving large quantities of data. These tools have been adapted from commercial databases developed in the 1970s and 1980s for managing transaction processing systems.

What is Big Data?

Big Data is a massive compilation of data that continues to expand exponentially over time. It is a data set that is so massive and dynamic that no conventional data processing systems can effectively contain or process it. Big data is similar to regular data, but it is much larger.

Types Of Big Data

The types of Big Data are as follows:


Structured data is any data that can be collected, retrieved, and interpreted in a predetermined format. Over time, computer science talent has been more active in designing methods for dealing with this form of data and generating meaning from it.


Unstructured data is any data that has an undefined type or structure. Unstructured data presents many problems in terms of retrieval in order to derive meaning from it, in addition to its enormous scale. A heterogeneous data base containing a mix of basic text files, photographs, videos, and other types of unstructured data is a good example.

Flashing Points

1) The term "big data" refers to data that is very large in scale. Bigdata is a term that refers to a vast set of data that tends to expand exponentially over time.

2) Examples of Big Data analytics include stock exchanges, social media networks, and jet engines, among others.

3) Structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data are both examples of big data.

4) Big Data characteristics include volume, variety, velocity, and variability.

5) Big Data's benefits include improved customer experience, increased organizational performance, and enhanced decision-making.

Big data is a very broad term that summarizes the massive amount of information available today. It is crucial for companies across many industries to gain insights from the. data 


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